This following describes the policy for storage of members’ information, what information members need to provide and who has access to this information.
Required Member Information
To become members of the WMC all applicants must supply the information listed below to the membership secretary as part of their membership application:
- Full name
- Full address with postcode
- Telephone numbers (home, mobile and work as appropriate)
- Email address (Under 18s may use details of parent/guardian)
- Date of birth
After they have joined, members must keep this information up to date.
Information supplied to the BMC
The WMC is required to provide members’ details to the BMC so that associated membership and 3rd party insurance can be granted. This is not optional. The members’ details provided to the BMC are:
- Full name
- Full address with postcode
- Email address
- Date of birth
- Phone numbers
- Membership class
Information accessible by other members
The selected member information listed below will be available to other members:
- Name
- Email address
- Town
- Area (first half of post code)
If a member wishes to share their telephone number with other members they may do this by adding it to the shared information under their profile on the website.
If a member wishes to share an emergency phone contact they may do this under their profile on the website.
If a member wishes to prevent their information appearing on the membership list then they will be able to ‘opt out’ when they join or via managing their profile in the membership area of the website although their name will still be shown on the membership list.
Members who opt out will not receive emails regarding meets they have booked on, since one purpose of these emails is to share contact details amongst meet attendees.
Information accessible by WMC committee
The President, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster will have ‘privileged access’ to all stored data for all members.
The Meet secretary and the Hut secretary will have ‘partial access’ to members’ data, including members that have ‘opted out’ and are hiding their data. This will allow membership status to be checked. Partial access’ will include email address and membership status, but not include other members’ data such as telephone numbers, addresses and date of birth.
Other committee members will have the same access to members’ data as ordinary members and no more.
Members will be required to give their active consent annually for the WMC to store their data in accordance with the GDPR.
The data of members who chose not to give their consent will necessarily be removed. This will mean that, although they remain members of the WMC, they will not have access to the website and will not be able to book onto meets or use other website facilities.
Email lists
Members may sign up to email lists to receive information and updates for their preferred interests by managing their profile in the membership area of the website.
All email lists will ensure members’ email addresses are not shared with others on the list. All members can send email to the mail lists they are members of.
Data Storage
All members’ data will be stored on the club’s selected hosting service servers accessible via the club’s website.
Full membership data will not be stored anywhere else.
Website security
Members will be required to use complex passwords to access the website.
Robot and web crawler access to the website will be inhibited via CAPTCHA or other means.
Committee members with privileged access will be required to change their passwords annually.