Meet Bookings

We have an online system for booking onto meets. This page provides guidance on its use.

All actions are done from the meet detail page, accessed via the meets list.

Note for some booking changes you will need to email the meet sec.. This is done so that we can keep track of changes.

Booking on a meet

This will take you to a form to complete.

This includes ‘Transport or other information to share’. This will be copied to the discussion area on the meet detail page where it can be changed later.

Your booking will initially show as ‘pending’. It will be changed to confirmed once reviewed by the Meet Sec, and if required payment has been received.

Where there is limited space, priority will be given based on the date the booking is made.

Expressing interest

You can be added to a list of people who are interested in a meet. This will let other see you are interested and include you in the email list. Use this if you want to be kept informed but are not certain about booking, or if, for example,  you are in the area staying somewhere else and want to meet up. You can use the discussion box to say what you are doing.


You can cancel your booking. A record of your booking will still be kept, and you may be liable for some costs (see cost section on the meet details).

Contacting others on the meet

The discussion area on the meet detail allows the sharing of information. For example if you have space to offer lifts, or have already arranged lifts.

There is also an ’email all’ option to email all those on the meet. Note this will not include guests, so it is best if members book individually. It also does not include members who have chosen to hide their contact details.